Financial Independence

2 min readNov 3, 2021

What I think of people getting married at a young age is different from what many think. I strongly believe in: To each their own. One should be free to make choices for themselves when one reaches adulthood. Rather, what I think is sometimes reaching the adulthood stage is not enough by any means.

I see young people getting married without a safety net or a plan for their future financially let alone family planning. Young girls and boys get married as soon as their education is completed while sometimes education is not even a priority. One needs to plan about their future financially by securing a job making the maximum of their prime years when they are not burdened with the responsibility of feeding their family members. The maximum one is responsible for is to secure a job give a head start to their career and plan their future by learning how to make smart financial decisions at a correct age.

I have realized people do not get time to think about their decisions through they impulsively decide on such big life milestones and lag later when they find themselves in financial troubles and debts due to lack of financial knowledge. Knowing finances does not mean to be an economist or a mathematician but to be able to earn, save, invest and plan your hard-earned money responsibly. It is about learning how to be independent and accountable for your finances, mistakes, losses and how to cope with hard times when you have to hold yourself back from spending your wealth.

I am not against people marrying at an early age, many young individuals have their ventures at an early age, start-up’s, early bloomers who start working as soon as they are eligible, they are some rare accounts where one does need to question themselves about how they will secure their future both financially and emotionally.

I would like to see the youth of today know how to fend and defend themselves. I like to see a future where everyone knows how to uplift themselves, their close ones, knows how to keep a family together while also providing for their families. I would like to see a future with more financial knowledge without an excessive need of completing a degree in finance but for it to be more general knowledge. A future where banking and investment are a topic of general interest for younger children to expand the ideal logical thinking for the coming generations.

